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run because


fighting for a cure for Meniere's disease

one half marathon at a time


about run because

PBS "Spotlight on Meniere's Disease" video featuring run because


run because is a nonprofit organization raising support for and awareness

of Meniere's disease one half marathon at a time. 


Not well known, Meniere's is a disorder of the inner ear that affects hearing and balance and causes vertigo, tinnitus, and hearing loss. It is unpredictable and difficult to diagnose and manage. Meniere’s is also progressive.  Unfortunately, the cause of Meniere’s Disease is currently unknown—so is a possible cure. 


run because is partnered with the American Hearing Research Foundation and 100% of donations go toward Meniere's research.  As a result of their partnership, the American Hearing Research Foundation has funded additional Meniere's research grants. 


Katie Mertz founded run because to raise money by running half marathons, with the goal of running one in each state plus D.C.  To date, she has run 33 races and raised over $88,000 for Meniere's research. 


“I run because I can.  When I get tired, I remember those who cannot run,

what they would give to have this simple gift I take for granted, and I run harder for them. 

I know they would do the same for me.” ((anonymous))



race 34 // $0 || total // $88,263


Albuquerque, New Mexico - October 6, 2024

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